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REACT: Does REACT 7.000 and later support RedHat 8?

REACT - Release 7.000 and later.
REACT has been confirmed to work on Redhat 8.9 but we found in our testing that some needed libraries were removed after upgrading to Redhat 8.9.
If you upgrade to Redhat 8.9 and find issues with starting REACT, similar to the example below, you will need to install the missing libraries.   Here is a yum command that can be used to install the missing libraries:

yum install libnsl.i686 ncurses-compat-libs.i686 motif.i686 motif libXaw libXaw.i686 libXtst.i686 libdb.i686

Example of errors encountered with starting REACT:
$ ./start_all logicals
/hekimian/perl5.6.1/bin/perl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
react-2001/utility -p 6061 -f "logicals" -R
react-2001/database_server -p 6055 -f "logicals" -u hlisys
react-2001/statistics -p 6052 -f "logicals" -R
react-2001/emulator -p 6054 -f "logicals"
react-2001/security -p 6051 -f "logicals" -M "React^2001^security^server^restarted" -R
react-2001/network_element -p 6057 -f "logicals" -R
react-2001/logical_test -p 6058 -f "logicals" -R -x 8001 -r 100
react-2001/ntwk_watchdog_start.cmd "logicals"
react-2001/StartResourceServer -n resource -p 6059 -f "logicals" -R -u hlisys
waiting for RM to start....
react-2001/CenterOpGateway start
react-2001/CenterOpGateway Error: file "/hekimian/CenterOpGateway/apache-tomcat/start" not found or is not executable.
react-2001/CenterOpGateway Error: file "/hekimian/CenterOpGateway/cots/start" not found or is not executable.
react-2001/CenterOpGateway Error: file "/hekimian/CenterOpGateway/Java-JRE.1.6.0-CM2/start" not found or is not executable.
react-2001/CenterOpGateway: /hekimian/CenterOpGateway/SpirentWebTest/start
react-2001/io_server -p 6062 -f "logicals" -r
react-2001/physical_test -p 6060 -f "logicals" -R -T -I 6062
react-2001/tcl_server_main 9030
react-2001/isdn_switch -p 6077 -f "logicals" -R -I 6062
react-2001/supertsc -p 6080 -f "logicals" -q 6081 -l 6082 -h "frkpvreact01" -t 6051 -T "75" -s "SID"
react-2001/tl1_server -p 6082 -f "logicals" -R -h "frkpvreact01" -t 6051
react-2001/start_word_analysis "logicals"
tint /hekimian/tint/
tint /hekimian/tint/
$tint_2001 environment variable not set or is not a directory.
react-2001/start_database_diversity "logicals"
react-2001/hcli -p 6056 -f "logicals" -R -P"hcli>" -h "frkpvreact01" -t 6051
react-2001/xcli -p 7081 -f "logicals" -R -P"xcli:" -h "frkpvreact01" -b -t 6051
react-2001/xcli -p 7086 -f "logicals" -R -P"xcli:" -h "frkpvreact01" -b -t 6051 -a
react-2001/NetworkCheckerStartup -p "14014" -l "logicals" -t HOST -c NamingService
/hekimian/perl5.6.1/bin/perl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
react-2001/startEms -p "14014" -l "logicals" -t HOST
/hekimian/perl5.6.1/bin/perl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
/hekimian/perl5.6.1/bin/perl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
/hekimian/perl5.6.1/bin/perl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Starting Firmware Download servers on  frkpvreact01 : 14014
Tue Apr 23 16:39:11 EDT 2024 Naming Service did not start properly
Tue Apr 23 16:39:11 EDT 2024 Please check installation and configuration parameters
Tue Apr 23 16:39:11 EDT 2024 nslist error is:
(104993|4151715584) EXCEPTION, Exception in nslist
system exception, ID ''
OMG minor code (2), described as 'No usable profile in IOR.', completed = NO

Tue Apr 23 16:39:11 EDT 2024 Naming Service stderr:
Tue Apr 23 16:39:11 EDT 2024 Configuration parameters
nsAddr= frkpvreact01
nsPort= 14014
ACE_ROOT= /hekimian/cots/ace+tao/1.5ap22-CM1
Exiting startEmsServers
react-2001/act -p 6056 -f "logicals"

Product : REACT